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Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made with salted, fermented vegetables. Verve's is made from salted napa cabbage and spices. Because it’s a fermented food, it boasts numerous probiotics.These healthy microorganisms may give kimchi several health benefits. It may help regulate your immune system, promote weight loss, fight inflammation, and even slow the aging process.
Kimchi is often consumed on it's own. One forkful before meals will provide the reccommeded daily amount of probitiotics and vitamin A & C. It is also great on salads, sandwiches, stir-fries, rice dishes and soups.

Kimchi es una ensalada coreana de repollo fermentado llena de microorganismos saludables que ayudan a regular su sistema inmunológico. Kimchi promueven la pérdida de peso, combaten la inflamación e incluso retrasan el proceso de envejecimiento.Una cuchara tiene la cantidad diaria recomendada de probióticos, vitamina A y C.

Puedes consumir kimchi solo o encima de ensaladas, sándwiches, salteados, arroces y sopas. Abrir lentamente: puede generar presión.

Ingredientes: col china, zanahorias, cebollín, sal marina, ajo, chiles, especias.Porción de 100 g || Calorías: 17 || carbohidratos: 7 g

Kimchi & Spicy Kimchi

PriceFrom $13,000.00
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