Bone Broth contains amino acids like glycine and glutamine that aid in digestion and supports the immune system. The longer the cooking time, the more minerals are pulled out of the bones.
In an effort to be more environmentally friendly, and avoid plastic, we have switched to cardboard containers (which means we are no longer selling the 900ml containers)
Our Homemade beef and chicken bone broth is made by first roasting the bones. Once roasted, the bones are simmered for a minimum of 24 hours. We add organic vegetables (Celery, Onions, Carrots, Garlic) to add both flavour & nutrients. Seasoned with bay leaves & peppercorns.
Also known as chicken stock.
We make our bone broth in small batches so limited quantities are available. Bone broths are perfect for use in making nutritious soups and sauces and where ever traditional stock is called for. Also highly recommended to drink on it's own as it contains so many nutrients and minerals.
The broth contains some naturally occuring fat from the chicken and/or beef. Please refrigerate after opening and consume within 3 to 4 days of opening for maximum freshness.
Bone Broth es un caldo especial cocinado durante 24 horas para extraer cartílago y otros componentes saludables de los huesos de pollo y res. Bone Broth es un caldo de huesos especial cocinado durante 24 horas para extraer cartílago y otros componentes saludables de los huesos de pollo y res. Ayuda a mantener la salud del sistema inmunológico. Alto en proteina, calcio, y vitaminas A y K. Bajo en calorías. Apoya la reparacíon muscular. Cómo consumir: Bébalo solo. Úselo para hacer granos. Prepare sopa, estofado o un tazón para batido de caldo de huesos.
Ingredientes: huesos de res o huesos de pollo. Ajo. Especies. Zanahoria. Cebolla.
Porción de 250 ml || Calorías: 38-86 || 0,2 - 2,9 g de grasa, 4,7 - 6 g de proteína y cantidades variables de calcio, hierro, potasio y otros minerales: 5 g
Bone Broth-Beef, Chicken, Asian-Chicken
Freezing is a natural preservation process which does not require the use of additional preservatives. Vitamins and minerals are 'locked in' through freezing, while fats, proteins and carbohydrates are unaffected.
The biggest positive for freezing food is that it can sustain for much longer. It travels better, and it maintains nutritional value for longer. Ironically, one of the negatives for fresh food is in the travel time it is likely to lose nutritional value at a much faster rate in comparison to its frozen counterpart. Therefore, frozen food is a real alternative to fresh, that's just as good nutritionally.